GPS Gateway is a powerful Tracking software provider company in india with all required features. A Vehicle Tracking System allows an organization to monitor and manage its fleet of vehicles more effectively and efficiently. Vehicle Live Tracking System helps not only in tracking and identifying vehicles along with its owners and users, but also monitors its movement and gives you real time alerts and alarms accordingly.
With Our Vehicle Live Tracking Software it's quite easy to monitor with real time tracking functionality. Access live location from any where the software monitors the movement and gives you real time alerts and alarms accordingly .
In our Tracking software we have different types of reports which will keep transparency.Through our Tracking app you can see the report that preaped automatically on various parametes
It provides safety.At the point when you know your vehicles are with exactness, that will help you for rapidly dispatch help when it's required. Having exact area information, and moment alarms if something isn't right.
GPS Gateway's Tracking software provides you a graphical interface to history view.
With our solution your end user will be notify using deffirent methodes like push notification, web notification, message and email.
Geo-fencing is a location-based service in which a creator of app/platform/software uses GPS, Wi-Fi or cellular data to send messages as SMS, Email.
White Label Vehicle Live Tracking software with your own brand name and logo.
Design of our application is very attractive and best as per user experience.
GPS Gateway application having a very good scoring in user experience.
We are using AWS servers for running this application with a very strong infrastructure.
GPS Gateway - Vehicle Live Tracking software represents application in graphical interface.
We are providing world class cost effective White Label Vehicle Live Tracking Software.
We GPS Gateway always known as White label Vehicle Live Tracking software provider with your own branding.
We are flexible to do customization in our solution to make better user experience for our customers.
Our vehicle live Tracking platform save your vehicles data on cloud.
Vehicle Live Tracking software designed as per n lavel user involvment with custom rights,can be easily resold.
We have all advanced features required like reports, history and live monitoring.
Vehicle Live Tracking is a Tracking software is used to track movement of veicles with the help of Software. Vehicle Live Tracking System helps not only in tracking and identifying vehicles along with its owners and users, but also monitors its movement and gives you real time alerts and alarms accordingly
Yes ..! right now our School Bus Tracking Software solution already running in 50+ coutnries. This software is designed as per international standard.
GPS based vehicle tracking system for tracking your vehicle location anywhere and at anytime.Our live vehicle tracking system uses GPS satellites to locate your vehicles, and mobile technology to ensure that their positions, routes and logs are constantly updated. vehicle live Tracking system allow to transparently monitor all their vehicles activities like where it is going, on which route by using cloud hosted. Vehicle Live Tracking system is used by companies for following purpose like prevent illegal activities,Safety, avoid insider threats, build transparency, batter customer support , increase performance.Vehicle Live Tracking system now these days are widely used.
Companies that are using a real-time tracking system increase the amount of service calls per day by approximately 23%. With live tracking, fleet managers can easily identify drivers that are not operating their vehicle efficiently. In addition, drivers are more likely to drive with better driving habits, obey guidelines and take the most direct routes when they know they are being closely monitored.
2. Improved Customer Service -Live tracking systems help improve customer service with improved response times and increased productivity. On average, the drivers that are monitored with a real-time tracking system arrive within the promised response time 46% more often. The improved customer service alone, from implementing a GPS tracking system, often increases revenue by 16.4%.
3. Reduced Fuel Costs -Fuel costs are one of the highest operating expenses for a business with a fleet of vehicles. Real-time tracking allows business owners to manage these expenses effectively by decreasing idle times, improving dispatching and routing, monitoring speed and getting an alert to stay informed of necessary vehicle maintenance.
4. Speed Monitoring -Real-time GPS tracking sends alerts to the business owner or fleet manager if a driver exceeds the set speed limit. Speeding causes higher fuel consumption, and increases the risk and severity of automobile accidents.
5. Theft Recovery -Owners know where their vehicles are around the clock. If a vehicle is stolen, the real-time tracking system can be used by police to locate the vehicle.
GPS vehicle following can enable the organization to set aside large cash by expanding vehicle proficiency. By reducing the speed of your drivers, cash can be saved on gas and fuel, costs will diminish while likewise making their resale esteem.
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